Listen to US Eye President, Kinga Huse’s insights at the 2020 MWE Physician Practice Management & ASC Symposium on the status of the PPM industry and other important macro-issues impacting the future success of PPM’s, including overall physician acceptance of the PPM model.
(May 7, 2021, Sarasota, FL) – Kinga Huse, President of US Eye, recently served as a panel presenter at the annual PPM and ASC Symposium on May 6-7, 2021, an industry conference that attracts over 500 PPM and ASC executives worldwide. Huse shared her insight, strategies, and vision in the panel discussion titled, “State of the PPM Industry: Perspectives from Leaders of the Top Physician Practice Management Companies.”
Discussion topics were developed to update healthcare leaders on the status of the PPM industry and address important macro-issues including overall physician acceptance of the PPM model, movement towards risk-based contracting, and other critical matters that will impact the future success and profitability of PPM’s.
In speaking on the subject of physician engagement and adoption, Huse remarked, “On the recruiting front, we have found that the current generation is very well educated about private equity. It is no longer the ‘big bad wolf’ as it relates to practicing medicine. It seems they much prefer the physician collegiality and the financial stability of a group setting, even if it is private equity backed. The instant access to patients, technology, proper staffing, and research and education are all very attractive to someone coming out of residency and starting to practice medicine. As long as the business model places the patients first and leaves clinical decision making and ‘boots on the ground’ operations in the hands of the clinicians, the PPM model is here to stay.”
Huse and other industry leaders commented on various aspects of physician practice management, providing unique insight and real-world experience to combat common modern day challenges and identify growth opportunities.