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Griffey Eye Care, Center for Visual Surgical Excellence Join US Eye

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CHESAPEAKE, VA (September 17, 2021) – Griffey Eye Care and Laser Center, in addition to its affiliated surgical facility, the Center for Visual Surgical Excellence, has joined the US Eye network of premium eye care practices.

Griffey Eye Care and Laser Center was founded by Dr. Paul Griffey and Dr. Leland Whitlock in 2003, and they were later joined by ophthalmologist Dr. Peter Mitrev and optometric physician, Dr. Robert Fox. The practice offers comprehensive eye care services, including laser cataract surgery, LASIK, glaucoma treatment and management, ocular disease management, eyeglass prescriptions and contact lenses. Its two clinics are located on Kempsville Road and Carmichael Way in Chesapeake, VA.

The Center for Visual Surgical Excellence was launched by Dr. Griffey in 2020 through a partnership with Dr. Jitendra Swarup of Albemarle Eye Center, located in northern North Carolina, to better serve the community’s surgical eye care needs.

“Joining US Eye is the natural next step in growing our practice and its service offerings,” said Dr. Griffey. “We aspire to become the provider of choice and the employer of choice in our region; a goal that is possible through our strategic partnership with US Eye.”

US Eye is a physician-led network of patient-centric practices. The addition of Griffey Eye Care and the Center for Visual Surgical Excellence bring the total number of US Eye practice locations to 50 across the United States. Patients of US Eye member practices have direct access to world-class providers, state-of-the-art technology and innovative treatments. Employees and providers of the network reap the benefits of a larger organization, while maintaining the local autonomy and personalized environment that team members and patients enjoy.

“Following a successful partnership and joint venture to open the Center for Visual Surgical Excellence, we felt it was a pivotal time to unite with a successful, well-run management organization to help us enrich and expand the care we provide to our patients,” said Dr. Swarup. “We are looking forward to developing a culture of innovation and enhancing our services to provide the very best care in our community.”

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Written by useye

Partnering with US Eye gives our member practices access to a multitude of resources that aim to synergize your eye care and business goals. Spend more time providing the quality eye care your community deserves while we handle the rest.

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