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US Eye announces ‘Better Together Employee Relief Fund’ to support team members impacted by Hurricane Ian

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At US Eye we are incredibly proud of our amazing staff who make the impossible possible and change people’s lives, through the gift of sight, every day. Our team was devastated to witness the destruction left behind by Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida, impacting over 300 of our hard-working employees and their families in the direct path of its landfall, among many other residents and visitors in the area.

To offer much needed support, our team has established the US Eye Better Together Employee Relief Fund, with a commitment from US Eye to match the first $50,000 in donations and our Founder and CEO, Dr. David Shoemaker, generously offering to match an additional $25,000. The fund is set up to provide much needed cash grants to those in need and will be administered by E4E Relief, a 501(c)(3) organization.

US Eye announced this initiative internally and within 24 hours, the team raised $50,000 in pledges, just within our US Eye family! Wow! Simply incredible.

Unfortunately, the need is immense, and we would like to help as many of our team members as possible. Many of you have reached out to us from outside of our organization, looking for ways to help, so we decided to extend the opportunity to donate to the fund externally as well. If you wish to help a US Eye team member in need, you may fill out a pledge form here:

A link to a credit card donation form will be available in the coming days as well.

If you are unable to donate, PLEASE SHARE with your family and friends. Every dollar matters.

We have been truly humbled by the outpouring of support we have been receiving from all of you. On behalf of our impacted families, thank you. We truly are Better Together!

More information on the US Eye Better Together Employee Relief Fund can be found here:

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Written by useye

Partnering with US Eye gives our member practices access to a multitude of resources that aim to synergize your eye care and business goals. Spend more time providing the quality eye care your community deserves while we handle the rest.

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